Why TYPROS exists
Founded as an initiative of the Tulsa Regional Chamber in April 2005, TYPROS was created with the mission to attract and retain young, creative talent to the Tulsa region, while also developing the next generation of leaders and enhancing Tulsa’s sense of place. No small task.
TYPROS’ early leadership decided this could only happen by working hand-in-hand with community and business leaders to learn from their experiences and create relationships among Tulsa’s most passionate people. It could also only happen with a focus on diversity and inclusion among our members and suppliers. When identifying new partners, TYPROS takes into account minority-, women-, veteran-, and LGBTQIA+-owned businesses, and we are intentional about working with local businesses. We have also prioritized supporting small businesses in the Tulsa region by paying fair and competitive prices for their goods and services, and only using trade when it is mutually beneficial.
After over a decade of connection, conversation, development, and empowerment, TYPROS has become one of the nation’s leading young professionals groups. TYPROS’ mission evolved over the years from attraction and retention to a focus on making Tulsa an awesome city for young professionals to live, work, and play.
Going strong for nearly 20 years, we continue to adapt and grow while staying connected to our past. Our current mission is to positively impact Tulsa by connecting people, engaging in the community, and developing the next generation of leaders.
TYPROS Sponsors
We are thankful for the companies and organizations that support the mission of TYPROS and our work.
Photo Credit and Special Thanks To
Employee of the Tulsa Regional Chamber dedicated to TYPROS
David Tollette
Executive Director
Leadership Team
Volunteers graciously giving their time to make Tulsa better
Lauren Miers
2025 Chair
Whitney Cipolla
2024 Chair
Jackiez Gonzalez
2023 Past Chair
Kyra Carby
Member Experience
At-Large Leader
Luz Loza
Member Experience
At-Large Leader
Matthew Dean
Arts & Entertainment
Crew Leader
Lauren Branum
Arts & Entertainment
Co-Crew Leader
Allison Sellers
Business Development
Crew Leader
Malayna Hasmanis
Crew Leader
Hannah Phillips
Co-Crew Leader
Jessica Meloy
Government Relations
Crew Leader
Symone Gittens
Government Relations
Co-Crew Leader
Ana Torres
Leadership & Service
Crew Leader
Pedro Perez
Leadership & Service
Co-Crew Leader
Sam Miers
Crew Leader
Anna Sullivan
Co-Crew Leader
Cameron Brown
Crew Leader
Steven Perry
Co-Crew Leader
Heather Heck
Crew Leader
Tyler Duncan
Co-Crew Leader